Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The book trailer for Aldric & Anneliese now has 1,727 'hits', and still the sales for Aldric & Anneliese have never amounted to much. I wonder if I entitled it incorrectly? Maybe viewers think Aldric and Anneliese should be a mushy romance, whereas it really is an action-adventure tale of battles and warfare with knights and kings in medieval times, making it more of a man's book. Perhaps I should have entitled it "Aldric, Mighty Warrior". Then the men readers might have noticed it more. What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you can include the review you received, then maybe that would show readers of all ages the benefits it would be to read the book.

The first time I read what it was about, to be honest I wasn't interested in it, but after reading the review, I am.

I am just strapped for cash currently, so will put it on my list of books to read. Is there a pinterest link for that book?

Marsha Musselman